Dirty windows are a big no-no. If you’re a business owner, you know the importance of having a spotless interior and exterior. This includes your windows. When it comes to window cleaning, there is no “one-size fits all” formula. Depending on the type of business you have, you may need to clean your windows more frequently than other businesses. They are also seasons when your window cleaning schedule may need to be more rigorous than other times due to environmental factors.

Many business owners find that no matter how hard they try to keep their windows clean, they keep getting dirty. Commercial window cleaning can make all the difference by helping you come up with a window cleaning schedule that works for you. Here are some reasons why your windows may be getting dirty:

Outdoor Wind

As the wind blows, it sweeps up dust and dirt from the ground that can stick to your windows. As dust accumulates on the outside of your windows, it will make them look dirty. The location of your business plays a role in how easily wind can deposit dirt on your windows. If your building is surrounded by other buildings, you may not experience a lot of dust-related dirt on your windows. However, if it is located away from other buildings, your windows will get dirty quicker than buildings that are not hit directly by the wind.

Also keep in mind that spring and fall are windy seasons, with spring being the windiest. This means that you will need to schedule window cleanings more frequently during this time of the year.

Airborne Pollution

There are many pollutants present in outdoor air and these can create a buildup on your windows over the course of time. The most common culprits are airborne soot, smoke, pollen, mold, and spores. So, if your business is in an area where there is lots of pollution, your windows will become dirty quicker than a business located in an area with less pollution.

Typically, air pollution levels rise during the winter months. This is because cold, dry air is denser and moves slower, and therefore, traps particles in the air more easily than warm air does. Rain naturally removes pollution particles from the air, and since there is less rain during the winter, there are more pollution particles present in the air. Regardless of your location, you will likely see more pollutant buildup on your windows during the winter months.

Window Cleaners that Leave Behind Residue

Naturally, windows repel dry dirt. Some window cleaning products on the market can leave behind a sticky, streaky residue that traps dust and dirt particles. This can make your windows get dirty more quickly. If you notice that your windows are getting dirty sooner and you have started using a new window cleaner, it’s quite likely that your window cleaner is the problem. Look for window cleaners with a different formula that does not leave a streak behind.

Hard Water

Many people use a hose to rinse their windows regularly in between their professional cleaning sessions, not realizing that this could be why their windows are getting dirty quicker. Hard water contains calcium, magnesium, and other minerals that will remain on your windows after the water evaporates. So, rinsing your windows with a hose may have the opposite effect than you intended.


Dirty Window Cleaning Services

Now that you know what may be making your windows dirty, we’ve got the right solution for you. Trust Blackout Projects to keep your windows clean year-round by offering top-notch commercial window cleaning services you can count on.